Intercepting the growth of megatrends that can change the future
What are megatrends?
Megatrends are trends capable of triggering change in society and in the world economy. They may concern the green transition, population growth, technological innovation, and much more.
protecting the planet, innovation, population growth. A strategy based on Megatrends allows intercepting growth opportunities that arise in a changing world. The time is now.
The three trends of the economy of the future
Planet, People and Innovation

Depletion of resources, air and water pollution. The green transition requires investment.

Demographics will bring significant change to society, but also a need for new services, infrastructure, and technology.

From the "Internet of things" to robotics, artificial intelligence and beyond. Technological innovation holds unlimited potential.
Investing in megatrends means growing in step with the evolution of society and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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