Eurizon’s sustainability policy
Consistently with European law (Regulation EU 2019/2088, so-called Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), Eurizon has adopted a Sustainability policy that illustrates how sustainability risks are integrated in the investment decision process, defining specific methodologies to select and monitor financial instruments, that take into account sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) principles, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.
The ESG/ SRI strategies adopted by Eurizon
This version of the policy, effective from October 30 2024, will be applicable progressively according to the dates of updating of the offering documents of individual managed assets
The main players involved in the ESG/SRI process
ESG Committee
Draws up the proposals to present to the BoD on sustainability themes, monitors the exposures of assets under management with respect to ESG indicators, and oversees engagement on external corporate governance activities
Sustainability Committee
Works with the BoD to guarantee that Ethical Fund investment decisions are in line with the rules for these funds. The Committee is independent and autonomous from the AM Company and is made up of personalities of acknowledged probity and morality
Devolutions Committee
Supervises the donations and charity activities of the funds that belong, among others, to the Ethical system as well
Investment Supervision Committee
Tasked with advisory, drafting, and propositional activities related to the supervision of the Investment Process used in managing funds
Financial, Credit and Operational Risk Committee
Monitors the impacts of sustainability risks on financial products, and the mitigating actions adopted to face the adverse effects tied to investment decisions