Eurizon on the way to Net Zero

After joining the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI)  in November 2021, Eurizon committed to publishing intermediate targets for reaching climate neutrality (i.e. net zero emissions) of its assets under management by 2050.

By joining NZAMI,  Eurizon committed to take action in four areas:

  • Identify an initial Portfolio in scope, amounting to Euro 67.5bn, equal to 15.39% of total AUM as of 31 December 2021, and define a target of asset alignment towards reaching Net Zero.
  • Set the ambition to halve the intensity of financed emissions of the Portfolio in scope by 2030.
  • Engage with companies representing at least 70% of financed emissions by 2025 growing to 90% in 2030, equivalent to 48 and 107 companies respectively, focusing on issuers from sectors that are "material" for achieving the decarbonization target.
  • Increase investments in Climate Solutions, especially green bonds, with an expectation to grow investments in green bonds to c. 4% of total AUM by 2025


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